What’s up in 2014?

Ah… not as much as I’d expected, so far! I faced the challenge of illness all month… truly a trial, as I had all kinds of plans for building my business in January. But a coach learns to “dance” … and not with what’s planned! The need to dance is the need to work with what comes, with the unexpected. And so I danced with fatigue, coughing, and pain instead of with WordPress and conference submissions!

But life is like that, isn’t it. The trick is in not defining success with the To Do list! My success is measured in terms of my mission: and there is still time to “bring joy back to the workplace”. This is the difference I experience by being “pulled” by my mission, rather than driven by my backlog. Phew!

And still, things have come to me on my sick bed! Life is wonderful. New clients show up (Welcome!), based on seeds sown last year, and conference invitations come through former collaborations. Hmm. Maybe I planned too much for January, after all? :-)

So, here’s what’s coming up, so far. I’m pretty excited about the things shaping up…


February Planning for an international peer-workshop on chartering with Steve Holyer of agileambulance
Visit to Nürnberg, Feb 13-16 free one-on-one coaching (ping me!), collaboration with colleagues, and a visit to OpenUpCamp on the weekend
Second CultureQs.com faciltators Lab in Berlin working with the facilitator community to bring this valuable game to the business and non-profit communities
March Final weekend workshop of the 2nd “Berufsbegleitende ScrumMaster Ausbildung” teaching in Karlsruhe with my buddy, Martin Heider
Workshop at Mix-IT.fr conference in Lyon, France Basic Coaching Skills to Magnify Teamwork
April Plan submission for the local university’s extension program Gosh, given my choice of material, what shall I offer? “l’embarras du choix” :-)
May No plans yet!
June AgileCoachCamp Germany 2014! Always a high point. And perhaps we’ll have more than one this year?
September Berlin Scrum Gathering 2014 With my buddy Elinor Slomba from the US :-D

Does it seem sparse, compared to yours? While studying coaching, I was blessed to learn how many good things can come, when I leave big holes in my calendar.

Or, as Michael Bungay Stanier says: “say no to Good Work to make space for Great Work!”. Yeah – that’s how I was available for Stoos, for example!



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