To lead others, lead yourself first

Welcome! I’m Deborah Preuss, PCC –  your skilled soul gardener –
and I’m here to help.

Are you facing new opportunities? Old obstacles? Or just feeling mad, sad or stuck?

You’re in the right place for encouragement, healing and growth!
Especially if you lead others, in any role from parent to coach to executive. As a certified life coach, I'm skilled at helping you find balance and a life you love. 


I delight in helping change makers find more satisfaction and authentic impact. Our calls delve into who and how you want to be, and what's holding you back. Together we design experiments to step outside your comfort zone and try new ways that bring more satisfaction. Then, between sessions, you keep the work going with reflections and experiments that grow your awareness and skill.


I know that, when leading people and bringing change, the hardest thing may be to clearly see, and grow, yourself. I'm your champion to build your confidence and energy, helping you find the resources you need to excel, using coaching and mentoring approaches.


And it need not take long! We'll turn inner critics into allies, and build up the voice of your inner mentor. I'll help you lead yourself, first ... which shifts how you show up with those you serve, too.


Whether one-on-one or small group, through coaching or mentoring or art journaling ... Joy awaits.


When do we start? :-)

Personalised 1-on-1

It's overwhelming when everything wants your attention at once: health vs. commitments; pleasure vs. growth; family vs. career. Can you have it all? Do you need it all? Let's find out...


I help you turn either/or thinking into mindful choices. You'll reconnect with your heart, and learn to balance the many things that matter on your own terms. As you make more satisfying, authentic choices your impact will grow, too.


I'd love to help you find new perspectives, creative options, and the satisfaction of honoring your deepest values.

Supervision +
Coach Mentoring

For leaders who use coaching skills: do you crave feedback and compassionate input?


Nothing boosts creativity and morale like brainstorming with like minds!


With your own  competency model as a guide, I hold a space for growth and challenge you toward the level of mastery you need.


You'll explore and practice your existing skills and experiment with new ones - one-on-one or in small groups.


Deepen your coaching skills to reach your (and your clients') important goals faster, and with more ease.


Tell me more...

Know What You
LOVE workshop

a few small cards with words: learning, diversity, patience, harmony, variety

Learn a simple tool that brings ease to making important choices.

In this 90-minute, interactive workshop, Deb helps you crystallize the essence of what really matters to you. You'll create a tool that lets your heart and head work together for less anxiety and more satisfaction.

When you're ready to say Yes to yourself & what matters to you, this is a great place to start.

Stop second-guessing, start honoring what you need to live a joyful and meaningful life.

Cosmic Smash Booking!

Intuitive Art Journaling helps you connect with your Inner Wisdom.

See it in action at Smash.Garden

“One of the best investments I’ve made in myself… Deb has a genuine way of getting me to explore, and holds me accountable to what is true for me. As a result of our work together I am done with playing small.”  — Mike E. Edwards, CPCC, Personal & Team Coach / 2014 (read more…)


You can deepen your understanding, ditch your critic and create a life you love.


Book a free sample coaching session (guaranteed: no sales pitch). This one hour call lets us see how we fit, plus: it may be all you need to get un-stuck ;->


I invite you to come and see what life coaching can open up for you.


Whether for coaching or to chat ...
it's easy to book a call at a time that works for you.

You'll receive reminders to keep our appointment visible


I look forward to it!

- Deb

I periodically send updates on new articles, workshops and resources.
(No spam, ever. Easy unsubscribe if you change your mind.)