Name what you love

When you name your values, suddenly they’re everywhere: shaping your daily actions; guiding your plans;
or just a whispering ache, a longing for what’s important.

Exercise :

Tip: scroll down for a guided video of this exercise.

Relax & clearly recall a time when you felt so right: fully alive, truly yourself. (If you cannot remember such a time, imagine one in the future, in detail).

Breathe and remember; visualise who was there and what happened. Recall what made it so special, and savour it. Make some notes on:

  • What was great?
  • What was true?
  • Who were you?

Next, notice patterns and themes that made you you. Write them down; and add resonant labels that capture the feel, perhaps: “Generous living,”  “Raindance,” or  “Stay Curious!

And, to finish: put your list of labels where you’ll see it during the day -the fridge door? near your desk? A postit or index card will do for now. Later you may want to make a fancy poster or collage.

Now, when your values show up, celebrate them! (Or plan how to get more).


©️ 2024 Deborah Hartmann Preuss
Excerpt from e-book “You Can Design a Bigger Game” by Deborah Hartmann Preuss

If you prefer interactive learning, I offer another version of this exercise as a pay-what-you-like live workshop. It’s fun doing it live!


And, for a self-paced exercise, check out this video, where I led my colleague Ardita through the exercise. I cheered at the end, when she said:

“It’s like Marie Kondo for my head!”

Pause the video to write, and use the questions I asked her to probe deeper into your own story – or make up your own questions!


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